Eligible Items
ISGP funding can cover only the following items:
- Registration fees; and
- Membership fees.
Steps to receive funding:
1. Contact your Club or District to request funding;
Arawang Netball Association (arawangnetball@gmail.com)
Belconnen Netball Association (belconnen.netball@gmail.com)
Canberra Netball Association (canberrana@gmail.com)
South Canberra Netball Association (scna.operations@gmail.com)
Tuggeranong Netball Association (office@tuggeranongnetball.com.au)
2. Your Club or District will then complete a request form from Netball ACT.
3. Netball ACT will provide a voucher code to the Club or District enabling the discount to be applied.
4. If your registration is over $200 you will need to speak with your club about how you will cover the additional fee.
Please note that funding is limited and will be distributed on a “first in, first served” basis, provided all funding guidelines have been met.