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School Ambassador Program
Join Our Teacher Ambassador Program
Whether you're a long-time netball player, a PE teacher, or completely new to the sport, we extend a warm welcome to all educators to become a part of Netball ACT's Teacher Ambassador program. The only requirement is your enthusiasm for netball!
This program is our way of acknowledging and supporting teachers who play an active role in promoting netball within their school communities. It's about fostering a strong and meaningful connection between Netball ACT and teachers in the ACT region.
As a Netball ACT School Ambassador, your responsibilities will include:
- Being the primary point of contact for all netball-related matters at your school.
- Sharing your passion for and knowledge of netball with your fellow teachers, students. and parents.
- Encouraging active participation in Netball ACT programs within your school.
- Distribute information about local associations and Netball ACT events.
Ready to take on the role of a Netball ACT School Ambassador and contribute to the growth and success of the netball community?
Email Keira O'Connor for more information